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First Annual WA529 'What is Your Dream Job?' Art Contest

(April 15,2022) It is never too late or too early to engage kids in meaningful conversations about their futures. A lot of kids start talking about what they want to be when they grow up at an early age. Many change their minds a hundred times, while others are still unsure as they approach high school graduation. Encouraging kids to think about what they enjoy can help their dreams take shape. WA529 has something exciting this spring to get the conversation started! 

Ready or Not

(March 16, 2022) It is already that time. Although we don’t want to admit it, we must. It’s tax season. Those two words alone can make teeth grind and headaches emerge. Most of us will ask ourselves “When will I have the time and energy?” seemingly over and over before finally sitting down to get started. Not only that, but are all documents and passwords needed to file in order? While these are dreaded questions, there is another that brings a bit of joy and hopefulness. If receiving a refund, where should it go how will I use it?

New Beginnings

(January 20, 2022) A lot of us set ambitious goals while basking in the glow of a bright and shiny new year. (As for me, my resolution last year was to obtain visual confirmation of the existence of my garage floor.) But few actually end up following through on those plans. According to a study by Clinical Psychology, only 46% of people who made New Year’s resolutions ultimately accomplished their goals. That means, despite our best intentions, more than half of us will fail. 

The Gift of Saving

(December 9, 2021) It has been quiet this Fall, with both our children away at college. I can’t wait for them to come home for the holidays! One of the first things we will do is attend my daughter’s college graduation! Emotions are mixed; We are extremely proud of her, but we don’t know what the future holds or where she will build her career. One thing we do know is that she will graduate with minimal student loan debt thanks to our savings efforts when she was young. Truly the best gift we have ever given her! 

Cody Simms: Five Facts About 529 College Savings Plans That Should Pique Your Interest

(December 7, 2021) The following is an article originally published on Some tax exemption limits have been updated for 2022.

Funding college expenses for children remains one of the biggest savings goals for many adults. 529s are one of the most effective education savings plans due to the flexibility and important tax advantages they provide. But like any investment vehicle, there are important considerations you should keep in mind. 

Two Things I’m Full of This November

(Besides thoughts of too much delicious food)

(November 18, 2021) The last two years have been, to say the least, surreal. And while in times like these it can be incredibly hard to look for the good, it’s vitally important. As we close the book on another year, I am feeling weary from everything that’s transpired recently, but I am doing my best to remain thankful. And while I am feeling uncertain about the future, I am trying stay hopeful. Fortunately, I have been getting a lot of help along the way. 
